Freizeit und Hobbys - Free time and hobbies. The vocabulary lists are sorted into two levels, beginners and intermediate. On the weeken they do a lot of leisure time activities like playing football or swimming. Das Video beinhaltet Schlüsselbegriffe, Bezeichnungen und Fachbegriffe wie spare time activities , football, soccer, sports and swimming. Free time = The time when you are not working, when you can choose what you do.
What do you do in your free time ? General Free Time Activities. Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies (from India), art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies. Erhalte Qualitätsergebnisse bei ZapMeta!
I don’t often have time to socialise with friends. I like swimming because it’s relaxing. Watching football is exciting. It’s interesting to surf the net. I spend a lot of time going to discos with.
Free time activities Lower intermediate Intermediate exercises Advanced exercises Worksheets. Freetime is after the work or Scool. You have Time for yourself or for your friends.
I listen to bands like Böhse Onkelz , Queen or Bruce Springsteen. Wortschatz mit den wichtigsten Vokabeln erweitern! Lernen Sie englisch vokabeln easy-english24.
Kitchen activities ) by easy-english24. Dann probieren Sie doch einfach mal gratis unsere Online-Kurse aus! Grundschulkinder lernen mit diesen Kopiervorlagen erste englische Sätze fast schon in spielerischer Art.
Alle Vorlagen beinhalten eine sehr einfache und kindgemäße Form der Selbstkontrolle. So können die Kinder auch ohne die Hilfe der Lehrkraft schnell und effektiv überprüfen, ob sie alle Aufgaben richtig gelöst haben. What are your favourite activities and hobbies? How much free time do you have? How old were you when you learned to swim?
Hobbies and sports vocabulary exercises for beginners. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. She doesn’t like to listen to her dad’s CDs. Eleanor thinks parties at a friend’s house are more fun than the under-disco. He watches no other videos.
A rep on a cruise ship is describing the activities on offer to. Vocabulary: to go to the cinema, to go to the. Ideal for ESOL students. There’s really no excuse for saying, “I’m bored out of my min” given the many fun activities you can try.
Choose any of the following activities and make the most out of your free time ! Read a good novel, or a self-development book. Reading should be your go-to habit when you have free time on your hands. Daily Activities at Home. I wake up at 7am every morning. I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up.
I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. Klicke auf das Play-Symbol, um die Begriffe zu hören. The language focus is on verb-noun collocations to describe free - time activities and phrases we use to invite people to events and polite ways of saying no to invitations.
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